Thursday, March 5, 2015

How You Know If You Have The Right Passion?

Passion is a strong or unbearable emotion. Some people get passion confuse with lust or work. In this blog today I will give you common signs to if you know if your passion is right for you?
One person who had passion for there craft was Micheal Jordan. When he did not make it on the basketball team he did not give up. He was sooooooo hungry for the chance to play ball he did whatever it took. It would be some nights he would be in the gym practicing. I kind of remind me of this one particular person I knew. She was a beast in basketball had speed that could kill you. One thing she did was she practice, work on craft with new skills, and even recorded herself to study it in depth. Now that is what you call passion.
Passion should be something you so hungry for. In work it should be so much passion that they could not even give you a vacation because you would not take it. We in a time where passion will overcome money, power, or reputation. When you have passion all three will come together.
So what are some things you need to figure out if you have the right passion?
1. The willingness to study the craft all the time even on breaks
2. To know your mistakes and fix it.
3. The willingness to wake up to your passion with a smile
4. The motive to become successful with your passion.
It hate to say it but it not always about the money or about power. Sometimes people just want to be able to do what they love and share what the love with people who are interested in it. I knew for me one thing that was set on my mind was having my own business. Yes, many people told me you need stop its a scam or why you do not get a job like regular people. Well my heart was not set on that, I would be depressed or in my i don't care attitude. I always been that person that if I do not have passion for something I want put my all in it. Especially if the rewards was not high for me. So ask yourself you have the right passion forget what people say because they are not carrying passion. You are carrying the passion and if you don't want it than you need to get rid of it. If you don't you will be wondering why you wasted 10-20 years training or working for that particular passion.

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